Kim Tzin, KIMTZIN, logoKim Tzin logo, KIMTZIN logo, Chinese logo
Fine details of tailoring, tenets, philosophy, practice


Our Tenets

A (not so) long time ago

How it Always begins.

Comics, boomers, millennials, gen-z, lawyers, bankers, corporate, freedom, innovation
Comics, boomers, millennials, gen-z, lawyers, bankers, corporate, freedom, innovation
Comics, boomers, millennials, gen-z, lawyers, bankers, corporate, freedom, innovation
Comics, boomers, millennials, gen-z, lawyers, bankers, corporate, freedom, innovation
Comics, boomers, millennials, gen-z, lawyers, bankers, corporate, freedom, innovation
Comics, boomers, millennials, gen-z, lawyers, bankers, corporate, freedom, innovation

Fundamental doctrine

There are More important things Than the law.

In a world filled with immense regulations, don’t lose sight of what’s important.

Our philosophy at Kim Tzin is anchored in the belief that the higher ideals of truth, beauty, and goodness supersede the man-made rules we burden ourselves and others with.

“Where there is law there is injustice.”

Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy
There are more important things than law, heart plant, growth, higher ideals

Ethics for practice

Community & No Gatekeeping.

Memento mori. Remember that you die.

Death reminds us that we need not hoard, we need not gate-keep our knowledge or what we perceive as the means to our wealth. In the end, returning to dust equalises us all. 

This drives us to share knowledge freely, collaborate with our better peers, and shift our careers from charging-for-access to contributing creative value. This paradigm shift is embodied in every individual at Kim Tzin.

No gate-keeping, no gatekeeping, sharing, community, mother child

Our Methods

Pushing boundaries together.

The individual power displayed by the sumo wrestler does not tell the whole story.

For a sumo to excel in his sport, he requires the support of a community: he trains, eats and sleeps in a stable where he coexists with other wrestlers. Respect and discipline bind them together, and they cultivate his wrestling aptitude like iron sharpens iron: humbling his ego and preparing him to push boundaries.

Sumo, pushing boundaries, community, stable, competition

Our Process

Value in Tailored design.

Precision often is the superior choice. But not always. There is a time and place for speed when a higher ideal demands it.

“Cooper, this is no time for caution.”

TARS, INterstellar
Tailored design